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Tuesday 1 June 2010

Initialuker - Initial weeks

I've decided to revive this blog, since I'm once again doing something that is relevant to it – I'm having two weeks of briefs, training and getting loot from the depot. The first day have been okay, with medical check-ups (apparently, I'm in good shape), paper work and drawing equipment from the quartermasters. They given us some neat gear, I'm particularly fascinated by the ceramic filter water pump – it looks simple, foolproof and in theory ever lasting (even if it does come with a go / no go gauge for the filter element). Even so, I think I'll spend the extra money to buy bottled water in Sudan...

The barracks they have put us in is okay – simple, but functional. Even have the luxury of private bathrooms, but no WiFi... so I'll try to post this from the MWR building in the morning after breakfast. I should have a fair bit of time, we don't get cracking until 8am.

Had an early night – it was a long day and a long drive to get here. And remember: If I don't post something every day it's not because something is wrong – I might simply be busy.

Day two was more briefs - lots of talk about money and leave. Needless to say, everybody was paying attention. Will try for another early night - it's hard work to sit in a classroom all day

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